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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Unexpected Trip to the Hospital & Quilt Update

Colton was throwing up all Thursday night.  It gave both Dan and me a heart attack because the last time he threw up it was all blood (during his life threatening GI bleed).  It brought back a lot of horrible memories and emotions.  On Friday morning we thought he may have just caught a bug and was on his road to recovery until he came down with a fever.  Any fever with a low ANC means a trip to the hospital.  Thankfully the doctors didn't make us go to the ER.  They told us to get blood counts and, based on those results, would decide if he needed to be admitted.  If so, they would just do a direct admission.  Given how bad Colton looked and acted, we thought he would for sure get admitted.  To our surprise his counts were actually awesome and his body was having the correct response to fighting a fever!  We were sent home and he bounced back to his normal self the next day.  So much for getting a week off though :(

Although we received good news this week, we know all too well how quickly things can change.  We are trying not to have high expectations for next week.  Colton's blood pressure continues to be high.

Almost all of the quilt squares are completed and they are looking dang cute -- at least that's what everyone says (I'm not looking until the quilt is done)!  If you would like to participate, there's still time!  Check out the 'Making a Blanket for Colton!' post for details.

(Awesome) Stats From Friday's Visit:
  • White Blood Count (WBC) - 6.3 (normal range is 6.0 to 17.0)
  • Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) - 4.63 (normal range is above 1.5)
  • Platelets - 64 (normal range is 150 to 400)
  • Hemoglobin (HGB) - 11.3 (normal range is 11.5 to 13.5)
  • Hematocrit (HCT) - 34.2 (normal range is 34.0 to 40.0)
  • Red Blood Count (RBC) - 4.1 (normal range is 3.9 to 5.3)
  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) - 83.4 (normal range is 75.0 to 87.0)
Feeling Sick at the Hospital
 Colton fell asleep waiting for the blood results

1 comment:

  1. OMG those pictures are so sad! Glad he felt better quickly though that's awesome
