Colton had another week of ups and downs. He went in for his weekly CBC on Wednesday and his results came back really positive! His WBC and ANC were down a little, but everything else was either right around or within normal range. And he gets next week off! Earlier in the week, however, Colton got a rash, which the doctors determined was hand, foot and mouth disease. His symptoms were pretty mild, but still not fun. He also had a bad allergic reaction to something in the backyard :(
Stats From Wednesday's Visit:
- White Blood Count (WBC) - 4.8 (normal range is 6.0 to 17.0)
- Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) - .7 (normal range is above 1.5)
- Platelets - 191 (normal range is 150 to 400)
- Hemoglobin (HGB) - 11.2 (normal range is 11.5 to 13.5)
- Hematocrit (HCT) - 33.0 (normal range is 34.0 to 40.0)
- Red Blood Count (RBC) - 4.3 (normal range is 3.9 to 5.3)
Loving riding his bike after some good blood results!
Not happy during his allergic reaction :(
Feeling a little better :)
Sad!! That poor little allergy face :( that's probably how I look everyday ha ha